Here Are Some Important Facts About Vaping

The danger of fires as well as the harmful health consequences of certain traditional cigarettes may be reduced by using electronic cigarettes. Many countries urge converting to electronic cigarettes to reduce the carcinogenic risk; as a response, JOYWAI created its pod terbagus vape.

Describe the vape.

Using an electrical device called a vape, smoke is produced by heating a liquid, which is then inhaled. The colors and sizes of vapes are varied. Certain vapes employ heat-not-burn technology, but lithium-ion batteries are the most common.

JOYWAI’s pod’s benefits

Depending on your tastes and demands, there are several vaporizer kinds available for you to choose from. The following is a list of JOYWAI’s suggested vapes:

The refillable cartridge is used in the battery-operated JOYWAI pods. The cartridge includes propylene glycol, a harmless synthetic liquid used in many foods and pharmaceuticals, together with flavor and nicotine (which can be added or not and the amount added).

  1. The storage tank’s 3ML capacity is 50% more than that of similar products, enabling all-day usage with only one refill.
  2. Double flavors: The 40mm long inverted Y-shaped airway can simultaneously produce both sweetness and the aroma of e-juice. 20% more sweetness has been added. This may make quitting smoking easier and cover up the e-juice odor.
  3. Rather than touching the mouthpiece with your hands, you can change the cartridge with only one hand thanks to the stick’s magnetic connection to the cartridge.


Because they provide a beneficial alternative to regular cigarettes, vapes are becoming more and more popular.

About Benjamin

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